Friday, November 22, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 9 “Longest Night Ever” (B+)

This episode provided unlikely hookups for Coach and for Winston, but what was best about it was its focus on the relationship between Nick, Schmidt, and Jess. It seems like Schmidt will never be able to get over Cece, but his endless devotion and need to interfere in her life is quite useful for creating entertaining plotlines. Nick trying to convince Schmidt that he was crazy was fun, but it got all the more enjoyable when Nick ditched Schmidt to help Winston find his cat, and Jess was left to try to stop Schmidt from going to ruin the date. Their car ride together was a blast, and I just love when they spend time together. Coach isn’t a great character all around, and his ill-fated attempts to seem cool to win Cece over were unmemorable. Cece’s resistance to his treatment and subsequent acceptance of the fact that they might actually have something in common was far more compelling. Winston’s hook-up with Bertie was all kinds of weird, and the best part about it was Nick’s presence. His reaction to Winston being into her, to the bologna, and to their bizarre subtext-stuffed conversation was priceless. It’s rare that Winston gets to take the lead in his own plotline, especially with Coach present, but this was a shining example of what can be done with him. It’s also good to separate Nick and Jess every once in a while, and it’s refreshing to note that seeing them together and seeing them apart are equally satisfying.

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