Monday, November 18, 2013

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 5, Episode 8 “The Ring” (B+)

It’s about time that Kristina’s campaign started getting aggressive, and it’s a shame that Bob is the one who quite figuratively threw the first punch. It’s not a surprise that Kristina didn’t want to fight back in kind when Bob leaked a story that was told to him in confidence when he and Kristina were friends and working on his campaign together, but Bob’s defense for his actions was more unexpected. Amber’s willingness to have Kristina take her story public was more enthusiastic than I might have thought, and I’m worried about what the eventual reveal will do to her already strained relationship with Ryan, who was noticeably upset about being asked to take back the ring. The news that Victor is definitely going to be held back seems like it’s going to destroy Joel and Julia, and Joel’s comment that Julia is making bad decisions that make it so that they, for instance, cannot afford private school on just one person’s salary, was cruel and unhelpful. At least Julia was sensible enough not to do more than give Ed a hug when he was there while she was find out, but that doesn’t mean something might not still happen. Crosby worrying about Jabar enjoying ballet is his least serious plotline ever, though I do hope that he doesn’t let Jabar connecting with what used to be Jasmine’s true passion inspire him to make a big deal out of something that shouldn’t bother him as much as it does. Zeek may be lonely, but he is having some fun at home by himself, even if a very single Sarah isn’t impressed.

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