Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Golden Globe Musings: Best TV Series – Comedy/Musical

Golden Globe nominations for this year will be soon, so here’s a survey of the contenders and the most likely predictions at this time. Weigh in with your thoughts, and let me know if I’ve left off anyone important. A reminder that last year’s nominees mean zilch at the Globes and that the race is almost entirely unpredictable.

Last year’s nominees:
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family

Returning nominees:

New contenders:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
The Crazy Ones
The Michael J. Fox Show

Potential first-time nominees:
Parks and Recreation

Past nominees:
The Big Bang Theory
New Girl

There’s an easy swap to be done for one of last year’s ineligible nominees: take “Episodes” out and replace it with “Enlightened.” It’s possible that “Smash” could be back for its second and final season, but that’s unlikely. Keep “The Big Bang Theory” and “Modern Family” in, and probably “Girls” too. That necessitates the addition of another, and while I’d love for it to finally be “Parks and Recreation,” and I’d be equally happy with the likelier choice: “Veep.” I don’t think any of the new shows are strong enough to make it in, though “Orange is the New Black” certainly would have had it entered in this race rather than as a drama.

Current predictions:
The Big Bang Theory
Modern Family

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