Friday, December 20, 2013

What I’m Watching: Almost Human

Almost Human: Season 1, Episode 6 “Arrhythmia” (C+)

I’m not feeling confident about this show’s enduring nature, and it’s really a shame considering I was so sure that this would reverse the trend of those sci-fi shows that got strong starts only to reveal that they couldn’t top their first episodes. Dorian finding another version of himself who had been downgraded to a less glamorous position was somewhat interesting, but I think it makes this all too small a world. Kennex is annoyed enough with Dorian as it is, upset at him in this case mostly for guilting him into donating to charity and driving his car remotely, and he doesn’t need a less competent duplicate to antagonize him. The pratfalls that the other Dorian sparked were regrettable, and he’s probably a character better left forgotten, which the episode resolved to do when Dorian reset his memories at the end of the episode. This show is fiercely committed to addressing many modern-day issues through a futuristic scope, but there was something about this heart transplant business that just didn’t enthrall me. The same can be said for the quality of the policework on this show. Having a partnership where one is human and the other is an android is great, and why ruin that by making the minute-by-minute nature of their cop work overly procedural and relatively boring? Maybe a few weeks off for the holidays will be just what this show needs to reboot in a more productive and impressive manner in 2014 with the back half of this season.

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