Thursday, December 5, 2013

What I’m Watching: The Good Wife (100th Episode)

The Good Wife: Season 5, Episode 10 “The Decision Tree” (B+)

This momentous hour promised to be a packed episode, and that it was. You’d think that there are only so many times that Lockhart Gardner could face off against Florrick Agos in court before it got old, but that’s far from the case. In fact, having Alicia as the defendant proved to be quite intriguing, and helped bring to the surface memories of the long-forgotten sexual tension between Will and Alicia. Bringing back John Noble as the deceased client who we only get to see in flashbacks was once again effective, and it was jarring to find out that he had left $12 million to Alicia in a will written in magic marker. The fact that Alicia seemed startled but almost indifferent to the news of her potential enormous inheritance was good, since it made her fight more levelheaded and less personal. Will, on the other hand, fantasized about taking Alicia down, and instead he walked right into the trap of discrediting his own will. Will calling to tell Cary the news that all wills would be rejected and having Alicia answer with the sounds of the party in the background was a stark representation of the difference between the current situations of these two former lovers. Kalinda tailing Damian and getting arrested paved the way for a fun guest appearance by Jordana Spiro of “My Boys,” just the latest in a line of law enforcement officials to be swayed by the charms and humor of the mysterious private investigator. Of all Peter-related plotlines, my favorite moments were Jackie holding up a dreidel and telling Eli “I have a Hanukkah too,” Eli reacting to Lemond Bishop being at the party, and Eli spitting out his drink in the episode’s closing moment when Marilyn shared what she was planning on naming her baby. All in all, a comprehensive and thoroughly engaging hour.

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