Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What I’m Watching: Homeland

Homeland: Season 3, Episode 11 “Big Man in Tehran” (B)

With just one episode left until the finale, it’s a relief to see something big happen in this episode, but, once again, it’s pretty much just a singular plotline going on without any supporting points in the hour. The one exception to that is Carrie noticing that she is starting to show while she is outside the Iranian hotel on the phone with Saul. But otherwise it’s the simple task of trying to get Akbari to come see Brody, which ended up resulting in Abu Nazir’s wife being the one to vet whether he was a viable candidate for asylum. Skipping ahead six days was a veritable confirmation that Brody wasn’t working out the way he was supposed to, and it sure didn’t take long for everyone, including Saul, to decide that he should be taken out. There really should have been a better back-up plan, since having Brody in such an important position within Iranian culture could also have been productive, yet instead it’s an immediate idea to kill him because he’s just trying to stay alive and keep up his cover. Threatening to expose Javadi was bold, and somehow Brody managed both to get his vengeance on Iran’s new number two and then kill its number one, which actually ranks as one of his less violent kills. It’s not going to be easy for Carrie to get him out, especially considering she just botched the assassination attempt on his life. That’s what season finale are for, and let’s hope this one is plenty satisfying.

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