Monday, December 2, 2013

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 10 “Thanksgiving III” (B+)

This episode wasn’t too concerned with realism or anything like that, but it was still full of laughs and funny situations. Coach’s presence continues not to add much, but refusing to compete with Schmidt in this hour in order to make him feel better was a great impetus for them to air their feelings and come to a better place in which they could talk freely and bond. Schmidt telling Coach that he’s really going to have to work for Cece makes it seem like he’s going to give up, but that’s not likely to happen anytime soon. Coach is almost guaranteed to be gone long before that happens anyway. I enjoyed the fact that both Winston and Cece arrived to their night of camping and hunting with solar chargers and a bad attitude, and their interactions over the course of the episode helped to fulfill one of my favorite things in TV: when two characters who rarely interact spend time together. This isn’t the first time for this pair, and I hope it’s not the last either. Jess’ response to Nick’s attempt to be manly was entertaining, and this far-fetched episode actually worked because of the way that she and Nick both approached it. In typical fashion, Jess’ reaction to eating the long-dead fish presented itself awfully quickly, but her physical mannerisms and Nick’s attempts to deal with it made it worthwhile. This may not have been their most memorable Thanksgiving yet, but it was pretty fun while it lasted.

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