Sunday, December 15, 2013

What I’m Watching: Sons of Anarchy (Season Finale)

Sons of Anarchy: Season 6, Episode 13 “A Mother’s Work” (A-)

This show never fails to be absolutely devastating. After last week’s heartbreaking conclusion, it seemed like things couldn’t possibly turn out well, and that was underlined when Tara panicked at the sight of Jax walking towards her and her boys when they were in the park. Yet Jax is not the ruthless, cold-blooded leader that Clay was, and he’s willing to give people a second chance. Offering to go to prison for twenty-five years was incredibly generous, and Patterson seemed extremely shocked by that particular proposal. Gemma thinking that Tara had ratted him out was always going to bad, but to see her bash her head in repeatedly without even asking her any simple question was pretty appalling. That’s such an irreversible event which signals a departure that has been a long time coming, but it’s still incredibly jarring. Just as startling was Juice’s quick reaction, to shoot Roosevelt and then help Gemma to her feet in an act of loyalty to Jax and the club. Patterson walking in to find Jax cradling Tara’s lifeless body was quite the way to end, and something tells me that he ends up taking the rap for it in some form or another. Nero supervising Alvarez’s meeting with Marks’ people was a positive thing, but, as usual, there’s so much bloodshed at almost every turn. I think Nero and Gemma are through, and her condition following her cold-blooded murder isn’t going to inspire them to reconcile. Where this leaves everyone is up in the air, and I’m sure that the show’s seventh and final season will be just as terrific as this year. Season six managed to live up to the high standard set by season five, and I’m excited to see what the show has in store for the future.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Charlie Hunnam as Jax

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