Friday, January 24, 2014

Pilot Review: Looking

Looking (HBO)
Premiered January 19 at 10:30pm

It’s obvious that HBO is looking for a certain kind of show to air alongside “Girls.” The network just cancelled two of its freshmen comedy that hadn’t aired in a while – “Family Tree” and “Hello Ladies” - deeming those awkward British sitcoms not the right fit for its new brand of comedy. Instead, enter this drama that serves as the gay male companion to “Girls,” a look at a single twentysomething’s life in San Francisco. His problems are not that dissimilar to those of Hannah and her friends in New York City, but they have a different spin to them. This pilot isn’t nearly as complex of appealing as Lena Dunham’s first effort two years ago, but it does have some potential. Casting Jonathan Groff as the lead is an intriguing choice considering that the actor, whose talents have been put to good use on shows as diverse as “Glee” and “Boss,” just isn’t likeable. He can carry a show, but it’s hard to deem him anything but smug. He’s trying hard to play someone else here, and I’m just not sure how effective that really is. Of the supporting cast, it’s hard to pick out which, if any of them, stand out, since Groff’s Patrick and his dating mishaps were really the central focus of the pilot episode. I think this show could grow into something interesting, but for now, it’s merely a less relevant and edgy version of another show that HBO already has airing on the very same night.

How will it work as a series? The show’s title leaves things very open-ended, allowing its characters to change their desires and endgames as the story develops and as they may or may not find love going forward. It’s a format that should work, as long as its characters are fully fleshed-out and appealingly complicated.
How long will it last? Maybe not that long. Its debut was far from impressive, especially compared to its lead-in. HBO usually leaves its lower-profile shows waiting to know if they’ll be back, but I think the network might make a swifter executive decision to end this one after season one if the ratings don’t improve.

Pilot grade: C+

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