Thursday, January 16, 2014

Pilot Review: True Detective

True Detective (HBO)
Premiered January 12 at 9pm

I’m not sure we should consider this a pilot since it’s actually the first installment of a miniseries which will in theory be finite, but that’s alright. This show represents the pairing of two actors famous for their lighter fare who on occasion have given being more serious a go. That’s resulted in some awards acclaim for Harrelson in the past and McConaughey this year, and seeing these two movie stars come to television demonstrates that this is a formidable and appealing project. Its scope, setting its main events in the mid-1990s and its interview segments in the present day, is grand, and this is certainly an epic story. Yet there’s something about it that just doesn’t feel cohesive, as it wallows in its darkness and the grim nature of its plotline. The crime committed is a grisly, disturbing one, and it seems abundantly clear that things will only get more gruesome from here. Cohle’s radical views and antisocial mannerisms may him an intriguing character, yet it’s understandably hard to connect with him. Hart is just as generally impolite without the appeal of a wild outlook on life, and as a result neither of these characters are effective anchors for the show. McConaughey definitely gives his performance his all, and Harrelson is committed as well, though there are from far their most magnetic roles. There is definitely something brewing here, but the pacing of this opening installment doesn’t suggest that this show will be nearly as compelling or involving as its premise and cast might suggest.

How will it work as a series? We’ve seen them at the beginning of their partnership and at the end, and while it’s clear already that they have some personality differences, it’s likely that the case itself is going to take a magnificent toll on their dynamic, while should prove interesting and engaging.
How long will it last? HBO does like miniseries, so it’s not likely that this show will be commissioned for anything other than its original order of eight episodes. That said, the premiere numbers were extremely high, and HBO is closing down some of its regular series and might look to re-up and redesign this one to keep viewers coming back.

Pilot review: B-

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