Tuesday, January 14, 2014

SAG Winner Predictions: Best Female Actor in a Drama Series

The competition: Claire Danes’ eccentric CIA agent (Homeland), Anna Gunn’s traumatized wife (Breaking Bad), Jessica Lange’s witch (American Horror Story: Coven), Maggie Smith’s wise-cracking countess (Downton Abbey), and Kerry Washington’s fixer (Scandal).

For your information: Danes won this award last year, and Lange won two years ago for playing a different role on the first season of FX’s spooky horror series. Smith was nominated for this same part last year in this race and the year before in the miniseries race. Gunn and Washington are both first-time nominees. Danes, Gunn, and Smith are also nominated as part of their ensemble casts..

Who should win: Smith or Gunn

Who will win: My bet is Washington, but it could also be Gunn or Danes again.

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