Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: Modern Family

Modern Family: Season 5, Episode 12 “Under Pressure” (B-)

As has been the case recently, this episode was relatively funny but so staged in its construction. The school night setup was on par with this show’s usual plotlines, but so much of it felt rehearsed and extremely purposeful in an irritating way. Claire realizing that she’s just like Alex and getting up on the board to do the math of how much homework she had was the worst of the lot. Jay passing a flask to Phil and then bullying him into breaking into the teacher’s lounge to watch the game was saved only by the fact that it was bonding time for the two of them, which is a rare and welcome thing. Alex self-diagnosing herself and going to see a psychologist was an awfully one-sided plotline, but I did enjoy seeing John Benjamin Hickey from “The Big C” as her doctor, even though the role didn’t exactly give him much to do. There were two other notable guest stars in this episode, one of whom was Jane Krakowski, fresh off “30 Rock,” as Gloria’s nemesis who wanted to get her son the one spot to Washington, D.C. I was surprised to see Jesse Eisenberg appear on this show, let alone in such a small role, but he did manage to nail every one of his lines, particularly the one about remembering when Lily was in disposable diapers. Pairing odd couple Mitchell and Haley up is always a recipe for success, and their attempt to out-environmentalize Mitchell’s neighbor truly bombed.

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