Tuesday, January 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 5, Episode 13 “Jump Ball” (B+)

It's clear that things between Julia and Joel are only going to get worse, and watching Joel force himself to go to the Braverman boys poker night was uncomfortable. Telling Julia that he wants to move out was the last straw, and I just don't know if there's any coming back from there. Things seem to be fine among all the other couples, of course, which is somewhat of a relief. Amber seeking out her father to chew him out for being a bad influence in her life turned out to be much more productive and positive, and it was nice to see Seth framed as nothing but a good guy for once. I'm hopeful that Amber is going to get back on the right track soon, since watching her call in sick and then drive aronud while drinking and smoking is extremely worrisome. It's refreshing to see Zeek trying to cater to Camille's needs, though it seems her desire to continue traveling may prove more alienating than anything. Hank asking Adam for Max's doctor's number was a brave move, and while the "jump ball" analogy didn't exactly wow him, it's good to see him trying to come to grips with who he is, even if Crosby is not eager to accept him. It's agonizing to watch Drew proceed along in his extremely unhealthy relationship with Amy, who even his eggheaded roommate realizes is manipulating him. Seeing him decide not to go on the school trip was particularly worrisome, and let's hope he wakes up to the truth of his situation soon.

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