Monday, January 27, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 5, Episode 14 “You’ve Got Mold” (B+)

Julia and Joel telling Sydney and Victor about their separation makes it real in a way that this show has tried to avoid for such a long time, and it doesn’t look like there’s much hope of reconciliation anymore. The fact that Joel was open to the idea of going to get advice on how to tell the kids is something, but his failure to agree with Julia that it was only a trial separation all but confirms his abandonment of the marriage. That breakup comes at the same time that Julia’s parents have just gained some new residents, appropriate karma for Crosby and his bad attitude towards having Jasmine’s mother live with them. I suspect Jasmine and Jabar will do fine, but Crosby will likely have more than a few issues with having to live with his parents as an adult. Hopefully having more people in the house will help rather than hurt Zeek and Camille’s relationship also. Sarah working with Hank predictably didn’t turn out all that well, but thanks to some mature conversations he had with Max, he seems to have it figured out now, and was able to offer her a decent and uncharacteristic apology. Kristina’s mayor run was unsuccessful, but starting a school designed to cater to everyone should be an interesting next project. I’m not sure both Adam and Kristina can overcome the odds and build something from nothing, but I think watching her try to make a difference is going to be well worth it.

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