Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: Shameless (Season Premiere)

Shameless: Season 4, Episode 1 “Simple Pleasures” (B+)

It’s a treat to have this show back, eternally to take things to a whole new depraved level. In this season, we’re going to have the added issues of Frank trying to ingest alcohol rectally, Debbie wearing Fiona’s clothes and acting like her, Carl learning how to masturbate, and Lip having to actually apply himself in college. The last one is far from a problem, though it’s going to be tough, and it will be good to see Lip develop in a world far from his home. We didn’t see any of Ian in this hour short of Mickey punching a photo of him, and I hope that army life won’t prove too miserable. I heartily enjoyed Mickey’s sympathy for the plight of underpaid prostitutes such as his wife. Kev having to bury Stan is going to be difficult, though the shocking news that Veronica is pregnant after they spend so long getting her mother pregnant is sure to keep him happy for a while until the financial reality sets in. Sheila is as odd as ever, coming over every day to clean the Gallagher home with no one having asked her, but it was sad to see her sitting alone at her dining room table. Fiona seems to be in a healthy, productive relationship for once, but the fact that all of her coworkers know about it may prove more stressful than having to select the details of the 401K for which she’s newly eligible. This is sure to be an enthralling season.

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