Friday, February 14, 2014

What I’m Watching: Almost Human

Almost Human: Season 1, Episode 10 “Perception” (B-)

This was a big improvement over recent episodes, though still not a complete home run. This installment took on a topic that is extremely future-facing yet not entirely removed from our current society. Genetic enhancements and modifications are an intriguing subject, and finding out that Stahl is a Chrome is interesting as well. Unfortunately, that doesn’t make her a compelling character, and this episode didn’t do anything to address her nervous romance with Kennex. He’s having plenty of problems of his own, of course, busy with flashbacks to the woman who betrayed him during the ambush in the pilot episode. The show had forgotten all about her, but clearly she has an important role to play. I’m actually in favor of the Syndicate being featured again because I think it has the most potential out of most of this show’s plotlines. It’s intriguing to see Maldonado meet Kennex at a bar to discuss the issues she’s noticed, in attire not so suited for business. It’s good to have her given a bit of a personality since, like many of the non-robots on this show, she’s rather stiff and unemotive. Kennex letting Dorian drive after he blacked out and crashed the car was fun, and keeping tabs on Kennex’s mental state is making Dorian a bit more serious, since he’s now the one who gets to take the high road since Kennex is not doing a good job of taking care of himself. Now let’s see just who was spying on Kennex and what’s to come as a result.

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