Saturday, February 1, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 2, Episode 2 “For Joe” (F)

Why do I keep watching? I just don’t know. This episode took things even further than the one before it, letting its new pair of homicidal twins – who love surprising people, first the audience and now Ryan – with the fact that they’re twins kill a couple in their home and then have dinner with them acting as if they were their parents. There are few things creepier than those Joe Carroll masks, though the twins are certainly frightening. The latest act of FBI incompetence, Ryan exempted, was the presence of agents at the event Lily was attending who failed to notice that she was being escorted by a lone man through a dim, abandoned section of the building, where she was easily concerned by her assailants, who are just as incompetent at stabbing, never bothering to hit the right arteries or organs. Mike lecturing Ryan about impeding the investigation is unnecessary, and no one is getting much of anything done. The phone marked “Joe” was hilariously obvious, and now Emma is going to start brewing since she found out that Joe is still alive and she knows that Carlos is working with the competing cult. Joe’s supposedly cathartic priest murder was far from worth watching, and it’s simply a sign that he’s going to have his own plotline for most of the season before people finally figure out where he is. Casting Carrie Preston on this show was a real coup, and I will note that she isn’t nearly as bad as most of the actors on this show, though her role could always change that with time.

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