Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What I’m Watching: Girls

Girls: Season 3, Episode 5 “Only Child” (B)

This wasn’t a bad episode, but this show has gotten awfully unpleasant and miserable. Hannah meeting David’s wife, played by Jennifer Westfeldt, at the funeral, went much better than expected at first, especially considering she was all but certain that he was gay. It didn’t take long, however, for Hannah to make it all about herself, and getting the name of that other publisher earned her the eternal contempt of the woman whose husband just died. Her meeting with that publisher was too good to be true, and finding out from her dad that David’s company owns the rights to her book for three years was particularly depressing. Hannah seems to be getting more and more selfish every episode, and it’s hard to feel bad for her when she projects such a self-involved attitude. Being very mean to Caroline and kicking her out when she was simply trying to make her feel better was particularly horrible, and, though she thought that Adam would have wanted her gone too, he seems pretty upset about Hannah telling her to leave. Marnie’s visit to Ray’s apartment was all kinds of awkward, and their sexual interaction following Ray’s bout of brutal honesty was amusing. Their doorway goodbye was particularly cringeworthy. Shoshannah finally had an outburst towards Jessa and her distracting nature, and she’s right to caution Jessa about getting a clothing store job that appeals to her merely because it has a “touch of innocence.” Maybe that’s just what Jessa needs, though I’m sure it will be a rocky start.

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