Sunday, February 9, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 3, Episode 14 “Provenance” (B+)

This was a welcome lighthearted episode after so much seriousness of late, and it was fun to see all of these characters embrace the excitement of their little caper. The music helped make it feel like “Ocean’s Eleven,” with Reese’s fake mustache serving as the unbeatable best disguise. I’m glad that Sarah Shahi is just as capable as her costar Jim Caviezel of being dryly sarcastic, and she’s even able to be social more than usual if called upon these days. Chatting up Elaine Tan’s Kelli was productive, not just because it gave her some insight into who she was, but also because it enabled her to recognize her minutes later when she discovered that Kelli was in fact the thief they were hunting. I enjoyed the casting of Henri Lubatti, veteran of “Sleeper Cell,” as the Interpol agent on her trail, who ended up not being able to prosecute her for all of her crimes, which worked out pretty well in the end. It was fun to see Shaw be impressed by the woman with a very similarly laid-out apartment and a slick style that didn’t include unnecessary small talk and just got right to business. For once, even Fusco got to play along and have a positive role in this episode’s happenings. Fusco joking about what their next heist would be was a fun finale, made all the more impactful and meaningful by Reese pointing out soberly but productively that there was one member of their team missing, represented by an untouched glass.

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