Friday, March 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 2, Episode 9 “Unmasked” (F-)

This episode exemplifies the most serious problem this show faces, and it has little to do with all of the ridiculous exaggerations and preposterous elements I’ll still critique in this review. At even the mere suggestion that she might have been corrupted by Joe, Jana flipped and immediately proceeded to stab Gina. To constantly believe that the FBI is always half a step behind the cult members just isn’t possible given that their deranged and psychotic natures would prohibit them from being able to execute a foolproof plan without letting their predilections get ahead of them. Ear-cutter Lance staying behind at the bookstore also seemed far-fetched, and he immediately gave himself away when he acted, for lack of a better word, crazy. It’s been a while since we’ve had a good old-fashioned public group stabbing session, and for the amount of screen time she’s had so far, Carrie has been pretty dramatically terrorized for most of it. As if Ryan’s behavior wasn’t irresponsible enough, getting involved with Carrie probably isn’t a great idea. Moreover, though I thought that Mike was headed to find a captive Lily and make her pay for what she did to his father (this show seems to have forgotten about her altogether), he instead came to see Claire, who is very much alive and likely to cause plenty of problems in the near future. I never believed she was dead since the show refused to show her death on screen, but I thought Natalie Zea had safely abandoned this show, which apparently is not the case. I am relived that Joe managed to dispose of both Julia and Micah so efficiently and comically, and now he’s got a whole new horde of lemmings to use as he sees fit.

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