Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What I’m Watching: Girls

Girls: Season 3, Episode 9 “Flo” (B-)

This show suggests that it’s about multiple female protagonists – usually, there are four – but, as is often the case, this half-hour was just about Hannah. Seeing her in context does make some sense and add some dramatic and comedic value to her character, but it’s not worth devoting an entire episode just to her. It was a treat to see June Squibb, who was nominated for an Oscar for her scene-stealing turn in “Nebraska,” as Hannah’s grandmother Flo, who only had a few scenes but made the most of them. Hannah’s mom suggesting that Hannah tell her grandmother that she and Adam were getting married was initially met with very negative reactions from both of them, but that made it even more surprising to see Adam offer up the fake news as a way to get Hannah’s grandmother to enjoy talking to him. Hannah’s mother and her sisters seem like grown-up versions of Hannah and her friends, constantly bickering about occasionally consequential matters. I liked seeing Sarah Steele of “Please Give,” “The To Do List,” and much more, as Hannah’s cousin Rebecca who never liked her, even though it wasn’t the best role she’s had. Watching her text while she was driving was disconcerting, and rightfully so, but I do hope that she’ll have another chance to further insult Hannah as often as possible. The bad news she delivered to Hannah in the episode’s closing moments suggests that she might indeed be back very soon in what could be a melancholy episode.

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