Thursday, March 6, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 18 “Sister III” (B+)

I heartily enjoyed this final installment featuring Linda Cardellini as Jess’ wild sister Abby, mainly because it proved to be quite entertaining despite some rather conventional plots. The best part of the episode, hands-down, was everything that involved Nick’s dialogue. His long shirt was a little silly, but I cracked up about his description of changing like an animal, which led Schmidt to point out that animals don’t wear clothes, and his gross misconceptions of Pilgrim history. He and Jess may not be destined to do well living in close quarters, but it seems that Abby’s abrupt departure means that they’ll be forced to do so since a newly bankrupt Schmidt is moving back into the loft. Jess’ night at the hotel with so much luxury of space and diverse emotions was amusing, and that’s the kind of plotline that Zooey Deschanel has always rocked from day one on this show. As Winston continues to be off in his own usual universe preparing for his physical police exam and lamenting the time that a young Nick once pantsed him, we got to see a whole new side of Coach. While his girlfriend-like behavior did seem excessive, it was most fun to see how Cece reacted to him, and how he toned down his act when he and Cece were sitting together and she called him out on being over-the-top. Cece looking out for Schmidt’s well-being was nice, and maybe now that Coach is out of the picture romantically and Abby has left, they can start thinking about rekindling their own romance again.

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