Monday, March 24, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation: Season 6, Episode 17 “Galentine’s Day” (B+)

So this show actually aired an episode with this exact same title way back in season two, but rather than repeating itself, I think this installment demonstrates that this show really is still functioning at a very high creative level. With Rashida Jones’ departure from the series, there is a void left for Leslie’s best friend, and thanks to the extensive criteria she has for a replacement and her inability to be with Ben without jumping his bones, it makes sense that she would need to audition new best friends. Bringing Ethel Beavers, some random woman, and Shauna Malwee-Tweep to an off-season Galentine’s Day brunch was entertaining, and of course resulted in April and Ann realizing that she was up to something and Shauna remaining by default as the only option for her best friend. I like that both Donna and Jerry have been given more screen time (and a place in the opening credits), with both becoming more significant players. Ben acknowledging that he likes Jerry was unsurprisingly met with skepticism and resistance, though, for once, he did do something great by helping them to take down the tent monopoly. Ron taking Andy to the dentist after he hurt his tooth was quite enjoyable, and it’s equally great to see Ron in parental mode as it is to see Andy letting his inner child come out. Ron calling Diane to offer to bring home ice cream for all the kids in his life was an especially sweet note on which to end.

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