Friday, March 7, 2014

What I’m Watching: Person of Interest

Person of Interest: Season 3, Episode 16 “RAM” (A-)

I am so pleased that this show anticipates moves that will be awesome and opts to go for them. Flashing back to a few years before now and highlighting Finch working with a different, less cooperative partner who ended up coming face-to-face with Reese in his previous incarnation was terrific, and it was perfectly tied together at the end of the episode to incorporate the show’s two newest characters. I’m most impressed that all of these actors are on call to come back and play their roles despite their characters being deceased, namely Jay O. Sanders as Special Counsel and Annie Parisse as Kara. Seeing Camryn Manheim’s Control was also great, and this was a fantastic way to tie together all of the various threads which led to the current moment. I liked that Neil Jackson’s Mr. Dillinger was almost a dead ringer for Reese in terms of how he operated, despite his obvious moral flaws which led to him being taken out by none other than Shaw, beginning her career with the agency at the same time that Reese and Kara were being decommissioned for their failure. Joseph Mazzello, who played doomed preacher Billy St. Cyr on “Justified,” is perfect as Daniel Casey, the man who everyone wanted to kill in this hour, and there was no better capper to all of this than having Root walk in to his hideout being her typical cool self and telling him that he needed to get out and move on to his next mission for the machine.

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