Sunday, April 6, 2014

Take Three: Doll and Em (Season Finale)

Doll and Em: Season 1, Episodes 5 and 6 (B+)

To close out the first and potentially only season of this British series we have two truly awkward episodes that narrow the gap in employment and status between Doll and Em. In the latest celebrity cameo that didn’t much involve extraordinary acting on the part of said celebrity, Andy Garcia got the chance to guest-star as himself. Not recognizing Em because of the old-woman makeup she had on was an embarrassing moment for her, and it got even worse when Doll revealed that she had been asked to come in for a screen test while Em was pushing the idea of her being Andy’s new assistant. It was quite entertaining that Em was made up to look like a ninety-year-old when she was only supposed to be playing sixty. It was inevitable that there would be a blowup between these two best friends, and things didn’t look good at the end of episode five. It was strange to see Em with her family, and things didn’t get any better for a while between the two of them. Fortunately, the episode had a strong finish, and it’s a good to see that things worked out in the end. Because of its airing schedule, it feels like this show is already over when it just started. Compared to some other recent British imports that lasted only one season, I wouldn’t save this one, but I wouldn’t mind revisiting it if HBO and Sky Living do opt to bring it back for another round.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Doll and Em

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