Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What I’m Watching: Elementary

Elementary: Season 2, Episode 19 “The Many Mouths of Aaron Colville” (B+)

This episode has quite a title, and it was fitting for an entertaining and creative installment. Starting with Sherlock discovering the thief hiding in the morgue was mostly irrelevant, but it was an appropriately fun beginning for an enjoyable hour. We even got a brief flashback involving Watson and Dr. Fleming once she realized that the current case had some strong similarities to one involving a murderer who died on her operating table back in 2005. The fact that Colville confessed to two murders before he let him die was disconcerting but not entirely important, and the ultimate revelation that Colville’s mom was the one committing the murders using snap-on dentures was quite a shock. But what made this episode truly terrific was everything it involved with Sherlock. I love scenes like the one where Sherlock told one suspect he was innocent, to which he responded, “I know that, how do you know?” Sherlock’s investigative mind has always been one of the most singular and superb parts of this show, and, with Watson’s own abilities taking center stage recently, it’s nice to see a return to what he does best. His comment about a day where criminals will realize that they shouldn’t use social media was fun, and it was great to see the ways in which the hackers chose to embarrass him as payment for their services. Wearing the sign that said “Help me catch a murderer by punching me in the arm” was a hoot, but I’m sure everyone would have loved seeing even a snippet of Sherlock singing every song from “Frozen” in a prom dress.

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