Friday, April 18, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Following

The Following: Season 2, Episode 13 “The Reaping” (F)

It’s abundantly clear that both Ryan and Joe are operating so much on their own that anyone else is hopeless to be able to control events given the shared obsession they have with each other. It’s funny, of course, that Joe insists on keeping Ryan alive while Ryan would love nothing more than to kill Joe so that he would no longer be able to plague his life and the world. What’s less funny is that their actions are so thoughtless and stupid that they’re hindering their own progress. I’m not sure what Ryan hoped to accomplish by shooting during the human sacrifice session at Korban, and Emma’s assumption that the FBI was right behind him would make sense if anything he did was logical. Similarly, there was an unintended hilarity to Emma’s whining about Joe refusing to kill Ryan and stalling as long as possible so that they could narrowly escape. Lily’s attack on the compound was rather deadly, though it worked out worst for her since, no matter what, everyone on this show who isn’t Joe or Ryan dies. Mike shooting her was predictable but so far from advisable, and all it really did was give Ryan another chance to unsuccessfully try to talk someone down from doing something regrettable. Joe’s busy being chased out of his own compound by the law and the rival cult, but I’m sure he’ll find time to take Claire’s message too much to heart, something that only she would know but which she easily could have relayed to someone else before she allegedly died. I’m not sure where Tom Cavanagh’s preacher will fall in all this now that Joe has moved again, but I’m sure Joe will use the fact that he manipulated his son into committing murder in the most destructive way possible.

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