Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What I’m Watching: Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones: Season 4, Episode 2 “The Lion and the Rose” (B+)

This show really does manage to one-up itself each time with an even more shocking and finite event that changes the landscape of its universe completely. In his final moments, Joffrey managed to be even more despicable than ever before, with his one charitable act, donating the leftover food to the poor, being secretly countermanded by his mother. Tyrion was defiant and noble in standing up – no pun intended –to Joffrey, and now he may pay for that following his arrest at Cersei’s command. It’s interesting that the deadliest Lannister was brought down not by a Stark or a competing king or queen but instead by one of his own family members. What happens next is a mystery in terms of who succeeds him, but Margaery’s newly elevated status might help the realm since she is much more kindhearted and logical than her late husband. Cersei, on the other hand, is just as evil as her deceased child. I’m not sure if Tyrion’s arrest means that Jaime’s sparring sessions with Bronn will stop, and I’d love to see Brienne stick around in some capacity in the aftermath of the chaos. Ramsay really has done a number on Theon, and it’s clear just how mean-spirited he is by the way that he tries to show Roose the value of his new prize. Stannis continues to be hapless and controlled, but at least he still defends his daughter, who did an impressive job of standing up to Melisandre and her hypnosis in her cell.

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