Tuesday, April 1, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parenthood

Parenthood: Season 5, Episode 19 “Fraud Alert” (B+)

This episode’s title, while it does refer to one specific plotline, isn’t really descriptive of its overall content. “Moving On” might be more accurate, since a few of the siblings discovered that their present circumstances just aren’t sustainable. Max refusing to go back to school because someone peed in his canteen was unfortunate, but not as much so as the school’s response to the situation, to suggest that Max stay home because they couldn’t get the kid who did it to come forward and admit it. Mr. Knight’s defense of Kristina should hopefully earn him some points that will enable him to help Kristina and Adam start the school that they want to create. Adam taking Max surfing was sweet, and it was especially moving to see Max beg Kristina to come and take pictures of them. Amber running into Mark was a bit odd, and I’m so glad that he’s engaged and out of the picture rather than back to tempt Sarah into more romance and to further agonize Hank. Julia getting a late-night fraud alert phone call following Joel’s work dinner with Pete was unpleasant, and, though it probably won’t lead anywhere good, meeting Ed for what appears to be a date is at least a sign that she’s trying to do something positive in her life. Crosby riding up to Oregon with his dad was fun, and buying a motorcycle so that his dad could get his quoted grill price may actually have been the most mature thing he’s done in a while.

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