Monday, April 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: Parks and Recreation (Season Finale)

Parks and Recreation: Season 6, Episodes 21 and 22 “Moving Up, Parts 1 and 2” (A)

This show truly is the best comedy on television, and this eventful finale demonstrates that by allowing all of its characters, even the more minor ones, to shine. It also has a remarkable ability to redefine itself within the same context, utilizing logical arguments and constructs to support the way in which it transforms. Michelle Obama was a big get for the show, and to have her tell Leslie that she should come work for them should have sealed the deal. But of course it took Ben pointing out to Leslie how wonderful she is to make her certain, which the statue and plaque put up by her friends worked to undo. Suggesting that her regional job be done in Pawnee because it was such a cost-saver was brilliant, and presents an amazing way to have her continue in a different way. Jumping forward three years is a shock, but maybe that’s just what this show needs to continue to stay relevant in what will likely be the last season. This hourlong finale was perfect on many levels, opening Tom’s Bistro with a first false start and then a genuinely successful launch, complete with Tom getting to reject his former competition Dr. Saperstein and having all the biggest Pawnee celebrities attend. The show made excellent use of all its recurring players, including Jamm, Jean-Ralphio, Mona Lisa, Perd, Joan, and the members of Mouse Rat. The Unity Concert was a triumph, and it generated such a feeling of happiness that’s so nice to see on what can often be a laugh-out-loud hilarious comedy like this. Ron came out as Duke Silver and shared a tender moment with Diane and his kids while resisting Tammy II’s evil influence. April and Andy decided to get divorced just so that they could married again. Even Craig got to have a legitimate part in things, and the show deserves enormous credit for keeping him around for so long and not having him be terribly annoying. The return of the Cones of Dunshire was magnificent, and the always likeable Ben had a terrific episode as well. What is there not to like about this show? Watch the American Comedy Awards on May 8th on NBC to see some fun “Parks” moments, but really, what’s better than this finale? I can’t wait for season seven of the best comedy currently on TV.

Season grade: A-
Season MVP: Amy Poehler

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