Thursday, April 10, 2014

What I’m Watching: Veep (Season Premiere)

Veep: Season 3, Episode 1 “Some New Beginnings” (B+)

It’s great to have this show back, and to see it return to some of its classic humor while taking its storyline in a definitive new direction. It’s appalling to think that Selina would miss the wedding of one of her staff members, but it’s not all that surprising given what her priorities tend to be. I love the fact that all the guests had to put their cell phones in a bowl and that Gary was the only one who returned Seina’s call, though of course she didn’t pick up when she saw that he was the one calling. Replicating the speech she gave at the funeral for Mike was funny, and I also enjoyed watching Selina try to entertain herself by knocking the books off and autographing all of the books in her hotel room with Ben. The best part of this episode was actually Richard, the clueless Gary wannabe who truthfully had no idea that he was making the situation even worse by trying to cover for Selina and who failed to comprehend any of Selina or Ben’s demeaning humor. That he exists is fantastic enough, and this show is using him to tremendous effect. It was a hoot to find out that Jonah runs a gossip blog about the White House, and I do hope that Ken’s forceful ousting of him and Dan’s subsequent celebration won’t mean his permanent departure from the show. Neither Amy or Dan is likely to become Selina’s chief of staff, and I hope the person who does get the gig is a positive addition to the show who can make season three just as terrific as seasons one and two.

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