Saturday, May 17, 2014

What I’m Watching: 24

24: Season 9, Episode 3 “Day 9: 1:00pm-2:00pm” (C+)

There were some decent moments in this episode, but it’s hard to find this some anything but frustrating. A few years into its initial run, and especially towards the tail end of that stretch, this because all about how Jack can do what no one else can, just as invincible as the mythical Chuck Norris. Only he can convince Chloe and her band of cyberterrorists to help him just by asking nicely (after some gun-pointing, of course) and only he can save the world by talking directly to a president he doesn’t realize is losing his memory. Kate, who can actually get things done and might as well be Jack’s heir apparent given her manipulative, law-breaking tendencies, is wasting so much time tailing Jack that it’s a wonder more terrorist attacks aren’t happening while she’s misdirecting her intrepid efforts. That said, the best moment of the episode was at the end when Jack shot off a few rounds to distract the crowd and Kate helplessly watched Jack run into the building. I’m finding everything involving Heller, Mark, and Audrey completely dull and cyclical, and the other family drama – that of the Al-Harazi family – is much less accessible and too removed to be compelling. Someone needs to find Lieutenant Chris Tanner fast and talk to him, and, as is to be expected with this show, I can’t imagine it will be anyone other than Jack. This season has twelve episodes – could it really take any less than eleven for Kate to realize that her best ally is the man she’s hunting?

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