Wednesday, May 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: Californication

Californication: Season 7, Episode 6 “Kickoff” (B-)

At this point, I sort of feel like I could sit down to watch any episode of this show and predict exactly what was going to happen while being simultaneously shocked and surprised by the absurdity of what actually went down. The loser this week is the door, an object whose importance is completely ignored, as our good friend Hank manages to start something sexual with two different women in the span of about ten minutes and doesn’t bother to even shut the door, let alone lock it. This magical world Hank inhabits does of course include actresses who pretty much demand sexual favors from their writers and then walk out without being satisfied because of the aforementioned door problem. I was excited to recognize Mercedes Masöhn from the short-lived but terrific “The Finder” and also of the equally short-lived but less terrific “666 Park Avenue,” as that actress, Amy, and I hope we see her again. I was less enthralled by male star Hashtag, who, like Rath, set his sights on Julia, who is too unconcerned with what anyone else thinks to realize that she’s playing three guys who all work very closely together. Her reaction to her son having sex with a prostitute Hank paid for in a pool wasn’t all that monumental, and I do wish that it would appear to lead somewhere, just like the final season of a show that has plenty of plotlines it really should be wrapping up before it signs off for good.

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