Friday, May 2, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Following (Season Finale)

The Following: Season 2, Episode 15 “Forgive” (F-)

What a season this has been. It’s incredible to me how quickly these characters can forget the circumstances they were in just hours earlier. After Joe stalled so that he could make empty threats about killing people close to Ryan - something he’s now never actually been able to do - he got instantly convinced by Ryan to abandon his big show of fear-mongering to escape the crowded church to help him save the woman that he ordered killed. Another inconsistency of this show is the careful execution of all of the cult’s operations that then leads to being taken down by an idiotic oversight, namely the fact that they were sitting ducks when the police turned off the lights in the church and took each one of them out. I’m not sure how long it will take the FBI to learn that Ryan will always go off-book, and new couple Max and Mike will likely follow to help him get away with whatever scheme he has hatched. Luke and Mark keeping all of their dinner guests alive was strange given that they’ve never managed to do that before, and that meal really was all about Joe being sarcastic and overdramatic, transforming into a completely different person. Ultimately, this finale was rather anticlimatic, and I’m not sure where the show goes from here since I sincerely doubt that Mark can restart a cult on his own and the show has killed off most of its other villains. This has been an inarguably awful season, and I really hope that I don’t tune in to season three next year.

Season grade: F
Season MVP: None

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