Wednesday, May 28, 2014

What I’m Watching: Mad Men (Season Finale)

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 7 “Waterloo” (B+)

I noted it a day before I watched the episode, yet while I was actually in the middle of it, I forgot completely that this was the season finale. I know that technically it’s the mid-season finale, but when a show won’t air for almost a year, that should be considered the full-on break between different sets of stories, whether or not the arcs are the same. After an iffy premiere, this season was on a good path, showcasing the many difficulties of Don adapting to his new life and his new role at work. This finale brought things to a head with his receipt of a breach of contract letter supposedly from all the partners, and it was a sign of his renewed confidence that he marched right into Cutler’s office and then held a vote out in the middle of the office to ensure his continued tenure. The rather quiet demise of Cooper was a surprise, and served more as an impetus to once again reconfigure the office structure – now the third time this has happened – than anything else. Roger’s efforts to get Cutler out didn’t work so well, but he was more amenable to his plan than expected. Don didn’t have to work hard to convince Ted that he should stick around and that he could really get back to what he wants to be doing. What I would really love to see more of in the final season is an emphasis on these characters and who they are, giving them a chance to grow and develop as the years progress but remain extraordinarily interesting. Watching Peggy give her first big sales pitch, Don Draper-style, was terrific. What I’m not talking about is the closing musical number that served as Cooper’s big farewell. I want more of what made this show great in the first place – lasting, powerful moments that get to the heart of who these ad men actually are.

Season grade: B+
Season MVP: Jon Hamm as Don

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