Thursday, May 15, 2014

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 5 “The Runaways” (B+)

It’s so interesting how this show spotlights the various hobbies practiced by its characters outside of work. I remember when Ken’s science fiction writing career was squashed by those who thought that he couldn’t focus on his work at the same time, and now we have Lou drawing comics which, from the looks of it, weren’t that bad. Unfortunately, Stan and the rest of the gang weren’t subtle about mocking it, and, though it’s hard to have sympathy for a guy like Lou, it was tough to watch everyone laugh at him. It didn’t justify making Don stay late so that he would miss his flight to California, which in turn meant bigger problems at home that Megan tried to fix with a seemingly hallucinatory threesome that pushed the boundaries of where this show usually goes. The office antics were especially light considering the serious nature of Ginsberg’s condition, which meant from odd and overbearing to extremely concerning when he offered Peggy the nipple he had cut off to stop the hum of the machine. With one team member out of commission, Don made a bold move that definitely paid off, thanks to some helpful intel from Harry, offering to fall on his sword for a potential client with the full knowledge that they would never make him do it. Betty and Francis’ home life is certainly not picaresque at the moment, and though she’s so detestable, the choice moment from this episode was definitely Betty defiantly telling Henry that she wasn’t stupid and that speaks Italian.

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