Thursday, May 8, 2014

What I’m Watching: Mad Men

Mad Men: Season 7, Episode 4 “The Monolith” (B+)

It’s incredible to watch how self-destructive Don can be. Coming back to his old office stripped of his position and demoted to working under his replacement was bad enough, but having to report to Peggy truly stung. It’s hard to blame him in a sense, but throwing a tantrum and storming out of the office like a child before coming back and getting drunk was definitely a low. It’s good that Freddy, who has been through his own tough time, was able to coach him back to a point of actually trying, and it’s reassuring to see Don eagerly tell Peggy that he’s going to have the work done soon and that he may put in some effort for once. Peggy’s raise feels like much less of a reward when it comes with the added burden of having to manage Don, but hopefully that will go well from now on, and maybe she and Don will even be able to surprise Lou. The construction to install the computer is certainly disruptive, and I’m eager to see just how different things will look once it’s finished. Though it feels like a completely different show, it was enthralling to watch Roger decide to drop everything and spend the night sleeping under the stars with his hippie daughter, and that made it all the more difficult to see him try to pull her out of it in the morning only to have her react very badly, returning their relationship to the miserable state it was in before she got hooked on this alternative lifestyle.

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