Sunday, May 25, 2014

What I’m Watching: Modern Family (Season Finale)

Modern Family: Season 5, Episode 24 “The Wedding, Part 2” (B-)

Part of this episode was genuinely sentimental and funny, but a lot of it was so staged that it was hard to take. The worst offender was the joke of Luke and Manny getting married because Phil had them fill in the wedding vows while standing under the canopy. The fact that Alex had to stand there serving as a constant reminder of the joke highlighted how lackluster it was. Pepper didn’t do much for me (I much prefer Nathan Lane in his subtler turn on “The Good Wife”), and all the wedding drama was far from fantastic. What I did like more was Sal’s water breaking as she was about to perform the ceremony and her quick comments to her husband-to-be that the miracle baby might be black. Haley contemplating a romance with Andy is terrific, and I like that Alex warned her that she shouldn’t just play with him for the fun of it. While I was unsure of what might happen with Barb and Merle, I was ultimately very happy with its resolution, how overhearing a call between Jay and Dede prompted them to realize what they like about each other. After the second relocation, it was a relief to hear Jay say that they couldn’t get married like this and give them the ultimate sign of acceptance, by arranging the wedding at the golf club. Walking Mitchell down the aisle was especially sweet, and having Barb and Merle run up to the same with their son was wonderful. This season has been the most uneven to date, and I hope that season six represents a return to consistent quality.

Season grade: B-
Season MVP: Ty Burrell

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