Sunday, May 11, 2014

What I’m Watching: New Girl (Season Finale)

New Girl: Season 3, Episode 23 “Cruise” (B-)

Unsurprisingly, television ends up being a topic of conversation almost every day at work during lunch with coworkers. I find myself defending this show often as others lament its decline in quality. Looking back at my reviews for this season, I actually did enjoy its first half, but wasn’t too taken with its second. I don’t think too much had to do with Jess and Nick’s relationship, though its subsequent breakdown wasn’t all too enthralling. The issue now is that the show isn’t as inventive or funny as it once was, forced to construct scenarios like the prom and this cruise in which to insert its characters instead of letting their interactions speak for themselves. I don’t think that this show is doomed, but it will need to reconfigure itself in season four if it’s going to work going forward. Schmidt and Nick bunking their beds could help, but I think that expanding the group will also be useful. Having Jess’ sister around for a few episodes was good, and I suppose Coach hasn’t been as intrusive lately as he initially was. There were elements of this cruise that were fun, and it’s always appealing to see Jess and Nick interact, even if they’re super awkward together trying to prevent a romantic package from being anything but platonic. I like that Schmidt still loves Cece and wanted to make a romantic gesture but opted not to, and maybe Winston will even have something to do one of these days. I’ll still continue watching this show, but I hope season four is more well-rounded.

Season grade: B
Season MVP: Jake Johnson as Nick

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