Tuesday, May 13, 2014

What I’m Watching: Orphan Black

Orphan Black: Season 2, Episode 4 “Governed As It Were By Chance” (B+)

While it turns out that a good guy, the quick-thinking Cal, was the one who plowed into the car Sarah was being forced to drive by Daniel, that doesn’t mean that she’s safe, because things happen so quickly on this show that an hour can change everything. Cal seems like a genuinely good person, and I hope that he ends being like Cosima, Paul, and, generally speaking, even Art, sometimes a bit too driven to follow what they think is right but ultimately an ally for our army of clones. What he does with the name of the Dyad group should be the first telling sign of whether his motives are anything but pure. The discovery that the scientists in the picture were Rachel’s parents is definitely intriguing, and I’m sure it’s going to lead to even more enlightening information. For the moment, however, Sarah managed to be very resourceful and invade Rachel’s private space, but she got herself caught again by the brutal Daniel, who, fittingly, seems to have died a violent and painful death at the hands of none other than Helena, who alienated her new “family” by acting in self-defense when one of them took a pillow to her face. It was fortunate for her that Art was there to delay her pursuers, though now Sarah will have to deal with her. Tatiana Maslany is always incredible, but I’m not sure she’s ever had to deal with such physically different mannerisms in such a confined space. Allison’s current predicament is no laughing matter, but that didn’t prevent some truly hilarious moments, namely Felix’s suggestion of brunch and mimosas and Allison’s insistence that she’s never “done the nasty.”

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