Friday, May 23, 2014

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 3, Episode 7 “Special Relationship” (B+)

Quite a lot happened in this episode, and most of the developments were definitely not good. Ray talking to people was wholly entertaining but obviously problematic, and his attempt to defend his comparison of fat people to devils was remarkably ineffective. Kent trying to talk to him without him having any sense of what was being said was hilarious, and he didn’t even respond coherently to Selina shouting at him following his Air Force Two comment. Dan’s panic attack was the least of his worries, and it didn’t take him all that long to be fired as campaign manager. Having to hear Jonah read off a fake list of symptoms and brag about being the person who broke him was especially harsh. Amy probably won’t last too long as the new campaign manager, but it should be fun to see her try. Mike being relieved that he was no longer in charge and that he could take a nap was amusing, and very fitting for the man who had to ask Siri how many horses died during World War I. I’m not sure what the First Lady’s suicide attempt will have to do with anything, but it’s not comforting news. Among Selina’s biggest gaffes in London were her pub “Daniwah” misunderstanding, her debate with the deputy prime minister about Harry Potter being an underage child wizard, her hat, her complaints about Celsius temperatures and plugs, and her very politically correct commentary about being driven to the airport at Diana speed.

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