Friday, May 9, 2014

What I’m Watching: Veep

Veep: Season 3, Episode 5 “Fishing” (B+)

Is there anything quite like the dialogue on this show? I suppose the delivery is half of it, most brilliantly on display during Selina’s candid conversation with Maddox about preferring to be shot in the face over being vice-president again. Asking Gary is he thought she was ruthless and getting a second conflicting answer when she modified it to include “enough” was hilarious as well. That she was less concerned with the notion of Mike masturbating at work and more about his having a baby during the campaign demonstrated her token heartlessness, which when uttered with sarcasm doesn’t always sound as bad. While Selina was meeting with French Stewart’s very ax-happy campaign manager candidate who suggested firing everyone, it was fun to see the rest of the crew unwind as Amy invited them all over for a catered dinner to get them on her side. Selecting Dan as the campaign manager was a polarizing choice in some ways, but it wasn’t all that much of a reward considering he heard her offer the job to someone else only a few minutes earlier. Gary being told by the doctor that being Selina’s bag man was causing all of his shoulder pain was unsurprising but still entertaining, and it was a hoot to see Jonah as Jake, Maddox’s new bag man and a far more appealing player all of a sudden once his important family connection was revealed. Dan’s attempt to be nice to him was admirable and equally laughable in nature.

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