Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What I’m Watching: Californication

Californication: Season 7, Episode 9 “Faith, Hope, Love” (B-)

This was a very contemplative, nostalgic episode that managed to draw at the heartstrings and recall the very best – and worst – of Hank and Karen’s saga of a relationship. In some ways, it felt manipulative, because it essentially skipped over the entire past decade of Hank philandering around and seducing Karen every few months or years. I understand that, in the midst of tragedy, it can be easy to forget about all the stupid stuff, as Marcy pointed out, but this completely omits everything that has taken place over the seven seasons seen on air. It also neglects Leavon, Julia, Rick Rath, and everyone else, demonstrating how this season’s central plotline, and those from the past few years, don’t actually have much relevance in the book that would be Hank’s life. This half-hour pared down this universe to its four primary characters, who even ten years earlier were sitting at dinner in a restaurant talking far too openly about sex, with Karen laughing and Hank charming the pants off her. It’s not anything new, although I suppose there’s something comforting about the notion that nothing really changes and that they can get through anything, even though it won’t be the paradise that could have been created when Hank promised Becca he wouldn’t punch the wall anymore. Having him meet the man whose wife died of cancer was an additional emotional blow, and hopefully Hank will finally be inspired to prioritize growing up and making Karen happy so that they can try being an actual couple in love.

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