Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Emmy Predictions: Best Drama Series

The 66th Primetime Emmy Awards nominations will be announced on Thursday, July 10th. Please refer to my Emmy musings for this category for a detailed analysis of the contenders, and, as always, chime in below in the comments with any thoughts of your own.

Last year’s nominees: Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Homeland, House of Cards, Mad Men

The competition: It’s feasible that all of these nominees could return again, but I doubt that will be the case, mainly due to one highly acclaimed new series: True Detective. One other new series, Masters of Sex, could also snag a spot. There’s no way that the final season of Breaking Bad gets snubbed, and I think that both Game of Thrones and House of Cards are safe too. I’m not as secure about Downton Abbey and Mad Men, but I think they’ll make the cut this year. I’m worried that my presumptions about the chances of Homeland may not be accurate, and it could well return again despite being shut out by Golden Globe voters after back-to-back wins. Many think that The Good Wife will be back after a hiatus from this category, but I think that the season as a whole was uneven enough that only the actors will benefit from being welcomed back. There’s also the chance that The Americans could appear, but I doubt it.

The predicted nominees: Breaking Bad, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Mad Men, True Detective

The predicted winner: “Breaking Bad”

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