Sunday, July 13, 2014

Take Three: Tyrant

Tyrant: Season 1, Episode 3 “My Brother’s Keeper” (C+)

I’m hopeful that this show isn’t going completely downhill, but this episode definitely had some thematic flaws to it. I understand that Bassam (referring to him as Barry doesn’t feel right) is supposed to be positioned as the moral center of the show, but he’s still far from a saint. Speaking up in a meeting against the idea of a man being hung without having a trial first only counts as decent if you push it and don’t just let it go. Finding out that the culprit was actually not guilty should have triggered an immediate desire to save him rather than needing to be convinced of the validity of the information. It’s possible that this show will end up being much more about Bassam becoming his brother than the other way around, especially since he still let someone be executed publicly, even if it was accompanied by the release of a bunch of the prisoners who had been rounded up. Soon enough, the idea that Molly ever wanted to leave will be forgotten, and hopefully she and her children will have the opportunity to acclimate to life in Abbudin the same way Bassam has. Sammy is certainly getting comfortable, and let’s hope that, should the need arise, being the president’s brother really does give Bassam the authority to decide who lives and who dies. For now, getting to know the supporting characters would be useful, and getting a peak at Abbudin outside of the castle as seen through new eyes couldn’t hurt either.

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