Saturday, July 12, 2014

What I’m Watching: 24

24: Season 9, Episode 11 “Day 9: 9:00pm-10:00pm” (D-)

It’s hard to believe how we got here, with two presidents on the phone with each other trying to stop a war that’s already begun from starting and Jack doing whatever he feels like in search of some impossible solution that will resolve this whole conflict. It turns out that the Russians ambushing Jack and Kate as they were about to close in on Chloe wasn’t a coincidence, and that Anatol is working directly with Cheng to create world conflict that the two can spin to their advantage. It would seem logical, therefore, for Anatol to have warned Cheng that Jack was in London and so close to tracking him. Instead, it was possible for Jack to immediately uncover another would-be traitor’s identity thanks to his uncovered trail and all of a sudden a fully cooperative Mark was on the way to Anatol’s private residence, an address known to the chief of staff who didn’t realize he was a criminal, even though Jack thought that was completely obvious. Mark, an inconsequential character, came out with barely a scratch, while the potentially useful person, Anatol, ended up dead pretty much at Mark’s hands. Now, Cheng managed to be on the run and keep a close eye on Audrey, enough to take out all her kids and position himself for some terrific revenge on Jack. What was just hours ago a global conflict and might still be one has now transformed into a fully personal vendetta, which, if nothing else, ties this show together by harking back to the great days of season one when an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate and lone CTU agent was all about personal payback. Those were the days…

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