Monday, July 21, 2014

What I’m Watching: The Bridge

The Bridge: Season 2, Episode 2 “Ghost of a Flea” (B)

Last season, we didn’t know the identity of the main villain but we had an idea of the message he wanted to get across. In this season, we’re well aware of the primary threat – Franka Potente’s deadly Eleanor Nacht – but don’ really know just what she’s up to, only that it’s extremely malicious. Somehow she’s more terrifying stringing a poor and all too willing teenager along by promising him the opportunity to touch her than with her ear-slicing henchman in tow. Her identity has become immediately clear, as the corrupt Mexican authorities want to make sure that she is found right away and Sonya managed to grab a screen capture of her walking through immigration. It’s hard to tell where Marco falls at the moment since he’s struggling to stay on a good path but is being pulled in multiple directions mostly as a result of the vengeful favor he requested at the end of last season. He was awfully frank with Sonya about what he had been told to by his superiors but left out the very crucial detail of needing to bring Eleanor in before she did. Abraham Benrubi’s DEA agent is sure to further complicate things, and then there’s Daniel’s investigation with Adriana, which are getting more and more serious by the minute with an especially pungent and deadly development. I’m still waiting to see more of Annabeth Gish’s Charlotte, who has gone unmentioned in both this episode and the season premiere but is definitely one of the show’s strongest characters.

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