Friday, July 25, 2014

What I’m Watching: Longmire

Longmire: Season 3, Episode 8 “Harvest” (B+)

So much for last week’s cliffhanger ending, since that was resolved almost instantly with no lasting damage to Walt. But this episode had just as much intrigue to offer, related both to its crime-centric plot and its main characters. Finding bodies with missing body parts is never a good sign, but it was the people who were still alive who were far more volatile in this hour. Seeing a wife and daughter arm up and prepare to defend their property until the bitter end upon hearing the news that the patriarch of the family had been found dead was cause for concern, and when the man who had the best reason to kill him came looking to collect with his bulldozer, it was obviously that things had escalated in a disconcerting way. Nick’s attitude towards decency was rather disturbing, but what was most shocking about this episode was Walt’s decision to forget what he learned about what actually happened. It’s rare that he won’t serve justice as it is traditionally spelled out, but in this case he seemed to see no value in robbing the family of much-needed money and imprison a man who was just trying to help a friend who was dead anyway. Vic was rightly furious first with Sean and then with Branch for reading her private files, and it was a rough hour for her, disappointed by Walt’s refusal to put a fight about her resignation and rejected by Sean after joking about having to pretend to be weaker than she is. Branch is spiraling out of control, but what’s truly worrisome is that Bridges is in fact on his trail, and no one believes that he’s actually on to something.

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