Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What I’m Watching: Masters of Sex (Season Premiere)

Masters of Sex: Season 2, Episode 1 “Parallax” (B-)

By the end of last season, I wasn’t so enamored with this show anymore, and this premiere doesn’t inspire much confidence. That said, it’s an obviously transitional installment, and so it’s hard to tell how the chips will fall. Bill flashing back to his perfect moment of truth with Virginia quickly turned into him sitting at home in the dark with a baby crying in the background, a harsh reminder of the current reality of his situation. The episode deliberately tried to trick its viewers into thinking that the two timelines being shown were one and the same, where in fact it appears that Bill and Virginia’s honeymoon period was short-lived and is now purely professional, as much as that can be the case. Bill turning up the music to drown out his baby’s cries was hardly kind, but pushing his caring mother away was truly cruel, particularly to Libby. Virginia’s life isn’t all that enthralling at the moment, thanks to her constantly being propositioned. Fortunately, one person appreciates her work, and she may just have a bright future ahead. Austin continues to be the comic relief of the show, managing not only to fool around on his wife but being indiscriminate enough to do so with her sister. Scully’s shock therapy was unpleasant to watch, as were its aftereffects, namely Scully trying to commit suicide after an unsuccessful attempt to seduce Margaret. Danny Huston went from a meaty role on one 1960s-set show, “Magic City,” to another one on this, and I’m intrigued to see what kind of part he’ll play going forward in Bill’s professional life.

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