Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What I’m Watching: Ray Donovan (Season Premiere)

Ray Donovan: Season 2, Episode 1 “Yo Soy Capitan” (B+)

In the time signed this show signed off following its first season, I had forgotten just how good this series was. Sure, Emmy nominee Jon Voight is great, but he’s hardly its sole recommender. The “previously on” segment reminded me of the first season’s quality, and this episode set in a motion what looks to be a fantastic follow-up. It’s hard to match Ray’s bold coolness, always ready to storm in angrily and silently to tackle any situation head-on. Marching in to introduce himself to Hank Azaria’s Agent Cochran and confessing that he paid Sully to kill his father was extremely brazen, but I suppose he has a plan. I’m very excited to see Azaria in this role and look forward to his interactions with Ray. Unfortunately, Ray’s being distracted by too many problems at home with his kids, and his therapy isn’t helping much, especially considering his reaction when he inevitably finds out that Abby told the therapist about his having been molested. Daryll seems to be all grown up, and he’d be doing much better for himself if his father wasn’t betting against him on a fight he arranged. The sight of Bunchy wearing a tie and shorts and actually trying to do well for himself is affirming, and let’s just hope that his new friend doesn’t have devious aims. Ezra, as always, is entertaining and on a whole separate level, spewing Jewish phrases with perfect emphasis. While she continues to be underused, Lena’s brief appearance was probably my favorite, coming to the rescue of a gunshot victim before threatening to shoot her again if she didn’t stick to the story.

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